I realized that I didn't have a bio, so I decided to post one. It's not complete, but it'll do for starters, and I'll keep adding to it. And no, I'm not an Army brat or anything like that. Just in case you wonder why I moved so much. My picture is at the bottom of the page.

Birth to Kindergarten
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4

Kindergarten and Elementary School Years

Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11

Junior High School Years

Year 12
Year 13

High School Years

Year 14
Year 15
Year 16
Youth Conference
Year 17
5th Year

College Years

College Year 1
College Year 2
College Year 3
College Year 4

Some Interesting Things
Site Links


I was born in St. George, Utah, the home of Dixie College, on August 11, 1974, about 10:08am. Born in the same town and hospital and having the same nurse as another brother of mine whose name is similar to mine (born the previous year), I didn't legally exist for the next five years as the nurse thought that two kids shouldn't have the same name and didn't send in my birth certificate. This wasn't discovered until my parents attempted to enroll me in kindergarten.

Real Name: Morris Legran Cox
Chinese Year: The Tiger
Zodiac sign: Leo the Lion

Birth to Kindergarten Years

Mom says I never cried as a baby. Parents also tried to wean me and brother Junior off the bottle by using pure lemon juice. We drank it all down and asked for more.

Age One

Age Two

Moved to Nuevo Casa Grande, Chihuahua, Mexico. Brother Sterling born. In Mexico, the mother's maiden name becomes the last name of the infant.

Age Three

Age Four

Sister Norrene born in Tucson, Arizona. Moved to Sarita(sp?), New Mexico. Father finds chapel by recognizing someone using the driving style a branch of the family uses.

Kindergarten and Elementary School Years


Moved to Animas, New Mexico. Later, when I go to college, nearly 13 years later, someone from here recognizes me on sight and remembers my name. He's just a little older than me.

First Grade

Moved to Lordsburgh, New Mexico. Went to two schools during the day. Brother Sirron born in Deming, New Mexico.

Second Grade

Moved to Pecos, Texas, halfway through the year.

Third Grade

Sister Nora Jean born. Found out that I had soccer talent. Rear axle decided to leave the car twice coming back from Odessa, Texas. Almost drowned in Mexican swimming pool. As I recall, they're deeper than American ones. Eye doctor tells mom: "He's telling me things that took me 20 years to learn."

Fourth Grade

Moved to Thatcher, Arizona, halfway through the year. Discovered my vision was going bad. Lost the fingernail on my left pinky. It grew back, but is now smaller than the one on the right pinky.

Fifth Grade

Moved to Fort Thomas. During that year, also moved to Geronimo and back to Fort Thomas. At the end of the year, moved back to Thatcher.

Sixth Grade

Used computers for the first time, a Commodore 64. Did a funny expression for my class picture. My picture was then marker'd out on almost all the personal copies. *grin* Went on Scouting overnighter with $100 of food. Came back next day with half-melted slice of cheese. No gain in weight. Put dozen fake snow cans into fire. Discovered they can travel half a block. Took the only music class I have ever taken. Invented frisbee tag. Tested as having above average hearing.

Junior High School Years

Seventh Grade

Moved to North Las Vegas, Nevada, halfway through the year. Went to Jim Bridger Junior High. Joined Junior Varsity Quiz, a TV quiz show. Also discovered that I have extensive peripheral vision of over 270 degrees. Had to walk almost 2 miles one way to school due to being one block inside 2 mile radius.

Eighth Grade

Had a Science teacher by the name of Wendell Waite. Best teacher I ever had. He was a friend, my stake president, and the father of one of my friends (who often was either my home teaching companion or home teacher.). Played basketball game for 24 hours. First used Apple IIe's. Tried Dead Man's Float and failed.

High School Years

Ninth Grade

Moved to the 'county' between Las Vegas and North Las Vegas. Went to Rancho "Rams" High School. Ran from class to class at top speed. Joined Varsity Quiz, a TV quiz show. Reinvented the binomial thereom. Found a quick and easy way to do proportional ratios. Found a easy way to do squares. Girl in front in math class disliked certain people who read under the desk instead of listening to the teacher and gives opinion by introducting desk to forehead. Out of boredom, wrote down the binary numbers up to about the binary equivalent of 50,000 starting at 0. You can get 5 or 6 columns on a sheet of paper. A ward member came to class in church to talk about the Stealth Bomber, being the pilot of one. Didn't stand a chance. Pulls me off to the side afterwards and asks where I got my information.
Weight: 100 lbs

Tenth Grade

Managed to read up to ten books a day. Took Drivers Ed. One of only four to get an A. Still blind as a bat. (Actually, blinder. Bats have sonar.) Played pool for the first time. Scoutmaster had a pool table with 2 balls by each other in the middle of the table about 3/4's down. Rolled the cue ball at them and both went into the corner pockets. Got my Tenderfoot, 2nd class and 1st class at the same time. Was troop historian. Moved to Littlefield, Arizona, fourth of the way through the year. Went to school in Mesquite, Nevada, 10 miles away and in a different Time Zone. First used a Mac and an IBM for the first time. Made a basket from 3/4's down the court, on the left sideline. Just threw the ball. Overhanded. Had to take Drivers Ed. again. Passed it. Took French again via telecom. Class went to party at Channel 10 TV studio in Las Vegas, Nevada, at end of year. Got to use a TV camera. Tape (not mine) aired. Discovered how to speed-walk. Stealth Bomber flew directly overhead while at fair. Found out after I went to college that they had me on record here as graduating.

Eleventh Grade

Moved to Orderville, Utah, by Zion National Park. Took Drivers Ed, for the third time, this time in another state. Passed it again. Found out I was double-jointed. Learned the Macintosh operating system. Learned to check that ashes are actually cold before disposal. New dumpster came in a few days. Got to see my school records for the first time. Found out that I had taken biology three times and passed twice. Had biology homework looked at with microscope due to small print.
Weight/height at first of year: 117 lbs and 5 feet, 0 inches
Weight/height at end of year: 117 lbs and 6 feet, 0 inches

Youth Conference

Went to 2 Youth Conferences. I went to the first one in Orderville since I had registered for it before I moved to Kanab. The second one was held just below Provo and I got to go to it since I was living in Kanab. The people in that town just below Provo are gonna remember my brother Sterling and I for quite a while. *smirk* For the first activity, they had a lot of different games you could play, about half gospel, half regular. You got tickets to play at the games or trade for prizes or buy food. The idea was to go for the gospel games, etc. They got fooled. Sterling and I put our tickets together and stocked up on prices and food, mostly prizes. We were quite a sight and already the center of attention. Then they annouced the purpose of it all and we really got noticed. After that, everyone knew who we was. And at the end of the youth conference, Sterling and I got Good Sport prizes for being such good sports about returning all those prizes. Even got cheered by everyone with some clapping. When they came down to Kanab for Youth Conference, they greeted me by name and mentioned how they still laugh about it up there.

Twelth Grade

Moved to Kanab, Utah on the Utah/Arizona border. Went to two Youth Conferences. Took Drivers Ed. for the fourth time. Passed it yet again. Took a psychology test. Finished the coding section (three lines) in nine seconds. General IQ of 139, verbal IQ of 141. Ranked 99.5% of nation. Entered American Government class 3 weeks late. Went to state competition with 11 others and teacher. Outnumbered at least 3 to 1 by other schools. Almost won competition. One of the judges, a sheriff's deputy, writes letter to teacher about how much I impressed him. Took final test in class and got the highest score with the next person 12 points below. Went bowling and hit that bar used to sweep the pins because I couldn't see it. Went skiing for the first time. Found out the hard way that the standard method of stopping didn't work. Sitting down does wonders (of the acrobatic sort). Flew at least 40 feet once. Had to walk back over 20 feet to get my skis. Took 9th and 10th grade English at the same time. Moved to Cane Beds, Arizona, halfway through the year. Went to school in Fredonia, Arizona. Self-learned WordPerfect 5.0. Got on NovaNet.

Fifth Year

Since Arizona has different graduation requirements than Utah, I got the 'opportunity' to spend another half a semester in high school. The thing is that people still thought I was in junior high, and often called me a liar for saying that I was in high school. Eventually, though, I graduated in November as the first (and last) of my class and went down to Thatcher, Arizona on December 3, 1992.

College Years

College: Eastern Arizona College (EAC) in Thatcher, Arizona.
Major: Computer Informations Systems and Computer Science.
Actually got glasses *and* kept them. (Shoes look different with them.) Incoming students are required to take placement tests. Got a perfect score and finished early on the reading test. The test ends at a 5th college year reading level. Didn't lose a Family Home Evening game my first two years. Found out sometime that my eyes don't blink very often.

First year of college

Played 134 hours in the Game Room. Video games was $1/hr, pool $.75/hr with every 10th hour free. They used index cards and made a mark for each hour. I had 2 cards. I play pool with the cue stick on top of my hand between my thumb and first finger. Played Risk for the first time and totally absolutely massacred the other players with no real idea of what I was doing. (For a while after, they would ask me to play so that they could gang up on me and make up for the defeat. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.) Played Monopoly with 2 friends and beat odds of 6^12 or over 5 billion to 1 just trying to see who would go first. Kevin rolled a 2. Buddy and me rolled a 3. Then Buddy and me rolled the same number the next 5 times. Then he rolled a 2 and I rolled a 3. Boy was he getting agitated. *grin* Body decided it didn't need sleep for 3 nights. Was only normally tired.

Second year of college

Got on Internet for the first time, in May 1994. Became a hacker after three months. I also found out that I was an INTP, the rarest personality type. I'm kinda like an absent-minded professor. Faced potential death again by getting an abcess. Got to see the inside of an emergency room. Shivered so uncontrollably coming home from a friend's house that another friend had to hold me to keep me still. Went bowling and got 3 strikes and 2 spares. I bowl underhanded with my hand on top. Me and friend spoke to a class about Internet. Sent mudmail to Anne McCaffrey for her birthday and asked a question. She responded back and answered. Went to get my learner's permit and found an error in the handbook. Was asked what hair color I wanted to put down. Became known for a game called Psychologist. Got threatened with bodily harm sometimes when I suggested it. :) (One person leaves the room and an object is picked. Person comes back and asks questions. The person being asked has to answers as if they are that object. Hmm...if that girl ever realizes what I said, I'm going to be on my next life.) Symptoms of game playing include: Confusion, disorientation, and a general urge to strangle the one who suggested it. Got chased by a girl when I switched keyboard inputs on her. Started typing on her screen after she wondered why nothing she typed showed up. Found out that I can make my head vibrate.

Third year of college

Yes, I'm still here at a 2yr college. Spoke to a class about Muds. Started my own Mud: Morris Mud. The major major area is a parody of my college. The motto is: "You can check out but you can never withdraw." Got a form of psoriasis. They don't know what causes it, but it's not contagious. Mostly just a bunch of spots all over my chest and arms. Had some thoughts one night and wrote them down. Now I add to it when I have a thought and I want to put that thought in there. I'm an Internet Tutor here at EAC now.

Fourth year of college

Yep, still here. I'm working on a FAQ for the students at my college, so that they can use their accounts better. Found a way to sometimes read email that other students have just sent and a way to stop it. Head of the library fired me. Claimed that I was not following the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) (untrue), that I was not following the orders of staff members (untrue), that I was teaching others how to go around the 'System' (some truth), and something about me exploiting bugs or something. Need to check the letter again. Might have something to do with the fact that I kept her from stealing credit that belonged to me. (See part above about being able to read other students sent email). I made a webpage of some (40 so far) of my nicknames. I also started licensing Driveby Huggers, but I won't make the list public yet. :> I finally got my own phone. I printed out some Driveby Hugging Licenses and hug gun permits, and gave them to some girls at a local place called the Sweet Suite, one of whom I call Driveby. I also gave them Driveby Kissing Licenses and kiss gun permits. I gave Dr. Lunt a Driveby Punning License for a Christmas present, since he's well-known for his humor. I made homepages for the Bureau of Driveby Hugging, the Bureau of Driveby Kissing, and the Bureau of Driveby Punning. To see what a Driveby Hugging License looks like, try this link. For a Driveby Kissing License, try this link.

Fifth year of college

Yeah, yeah. I'm still here at EAC. But this should be my last semester here. Then I plan to move to Tucson. I'm finally taking a music class (2 music classes, actually) for the first time since sixth grade. If I learn anything, I should more than double my knowledge. Dr. Lunt is awesome. I found out recently that I have Computer Vision Syndrome. Which explains why my eyes don't blink that much. I now have to remind myself to blink (most of the time). I'm trying to do genealogy. Might help if I actually had a decent idea of who my relatives were. I'm not even sure who my first cousins are. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure of the names of all my aunts and uncles. I've been handing out a lot of hug coupons lately and even a couple of date coupons. I've also been scanning in and uploading some pictures onto my webpage.

Moved to Tucson. I now live by Udall Park. Just about everyone I meet is or knows someone in, from, or around Thatcher.


I used to use the nick Morris on IRC and sometimes do, but I usually go by Bryden (Catwomann on Efnet really liked it and thought it fit me, so she gave it to me) or MorrisCat. I'm a channel operator on the #Mormon channel. There, I'm known as being 23 years old, married to my computer, part cat, part computer, part virus, part Vulcan, part elven, part imp, and part gremlin. I also managed to win Icebox777, frog-e, and HalfPint at auctions we have been holding. Here are the auction rules.
For Icebox777: I bid 32 cows, 2 airplanes, 1 school and 2 glass jars of candy.
For frog-e: I bid 23 cows, 1 moose, 5 lollipops, 2 sailboats, 1 watch, and 2 planets. Those planets cost a lot to move, I tell you. And those natives weren't too happy. Maybe we should have consulted them first.
For HalfPint: 40 cows, 20 ostiches, 21.5 ideas, 12 newspapers, 1 solar system, and 3 bags of candy.
If you are wondering why we was doing this, it has to do with a 4 cow movie put out by the Mormon Church called _Johnny Lingo_ where women in that movie (NOT the church) are rated by how many cows they are worth. Blame Mahanna. )
Conducted a wedding on IRC. Am working on a script module for quotes.


I like to play games, read, speedwalk, hike, IRC, MUD, MUSH, help people, tease, think, have pun, humor, puns, learn, eat Skittles, makes people's teeth and joints ache by showing them how double-jointed I am, quotes, and more.

Some interesting things (in addition to everything above)

I still haven't gotten around to getting a driver's license. I have read at least 3000 books, perhaps at least 3200 books. I moved two dozen times before I came to college, living in 5 states and Mexico. I invented driveby hugging and driveby kissing. I have about three dozen nicknames. My record for staying up is 54 hours, and I drove for a couple of hours when I had been awake for 45 hours. I have stayed on IRC for 31.5 hours straight. There are two other hackers in my family. I have two sisters and four brothers. An ancestor of mine invented cement. An uncle of mine carried a refrigerator off the back of a truck over to his house.
This is my cute fuzzy animals picture. Click here to view.

Diane Griggs aka Brat or Teen Brat, took this picture.

Site Links

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