Some of my thoughts

Here I have a wide variety of "thoughts" I've had over the last few years. They can be sad, serious, funny, amusing, pessimistic, observant, or anywhere in between. I've rearranged them so that the newest ones are at the top. I know that there's a lot of them. But you may want to read them all. Who knows what you might find.
Two cents and no sense have a lot in common.

One day I'll find my femail.

Quickest way to find out something is to ask.

If you don't have patience, you'll become one.

Why go to the effort of making myself understandable if no one's trying to understand me?

Wisdom is always available. It's noticing it that's the problem.

People follow the path of least effort.

Customers follow the path of least effort. Employees follow the path of least work.

Sometimes, doing the right thing isn't the right thing to do.

Expecting something is actually taking it for granted.

Intelligent organic life and intelligent non-organic life differ mostly in the level of complexity.

If you would understand others, first know yourself.

Love is professed more often then it is actually felt or expressed.

Those who truly listen can hear those who don't make a sound.

People are so blind to each other it's a wonder that they see anything at all.

Religion is often used by people to excuse their hates, their dislikes, and the way they believe the world should be.

Duty is often used to justify prejudice.

People are so wrapped up in themselves, others might as well not exist.

If I never existed, who would know?

The human race is a set of massively parallel processors.

Just because someone can read doesn't mean they will.

Logic is something that isn't used very often.

Most people are idiots. The rest are ignored.

You can't get an answer if you don't ask the question.

The only thing in life we should steal is the heart of another.

Just because you don't believe in something, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

I can stand perfectly still in the middle of the dance floor. I seem unable to feel the beat. I have to make up my own.

The problem with talents is that some people don't want you to use some of them.

Love is so important everyone should have it.

To keep the ones you love, you need to push them away a little.

You can't reason with an emotional person.

Too many people think more with their emotions than with logic.

Personality affects looks more than looks affect personality.

One doesn't have to be experienced to be wise.

Pity the one who's wise. He has a terrible burden.

Candy is the fifth food group.

Some people are too busy going to school to actually learn anything.

Your feelings can't be hurt if you don't have any.

If money grew on trees, more people would rake leaves.

Never ask questions that you don't want the answers to.

Sudden changes in behaviour should be taken as a hint.

You can learn a lot about someone by who they choose to sit by.

How you disagree with someone says a lot about you.

Most people are scared of knowing themselves better.

One can control their emotions without suppressing them.

One of the rarest things nowdays is someone who understands thoughts and emotions and is still objective.

Nice Guys are the best listeners.

True love doesn't ignore faults. It acknowledges that they exist.

A journey of a 1,000 hugs starts with one good one.

A journey of a 1,000 miles starts with a ride.

Poetry is a language of the soul, along with music.

A heart can hold anything.

Love is the greatest form of energy.

To hug where no one has hugged before.

I just love to be me.

A hug a day doesn't keep me away.

It's the little things that make the biggest differences.

We help others become what they are.

True friends are hard to find. And worth it.

Love often goes unnoticed.

A hug is a kiss through the arms.

Friendship and love give life meaning.

For they are the trailblazers, who make the path for the rest to follow.

Hard to use what you don't have.

Spouses should be soulmates.

Reach out and email someone.

It's not how you do something, but why.

Dancing allows one to hold a girl.

Insurance is a legalized scam.

Humor is just another way of looking at things.

She was a hug on two feet.

Hug long and prosper.

The tie was invented by a woman and is used as a leash on men.

Open your mind before your mouth.

To love is to care.

To care is to love.

To listen is to learn.

Friends are your spiritual family.

Friends are bits of your soul walking around.

They say that honesty is the best policy. But that only applies for some people. The rest prefer to be lied to.

I don't talk too much. I just have a lot to say.

I'm not lazy, I'm just in Automatic Energy Conservation Mode.

The best humor is done by accident.

Without humor, life isn't much fun.

A friend is one who's there for you even when they don't want to be, and even when you don't want them to be.

Take two hugs and call me in the morning.

Distances in Tucson are greater than they appear.

Friends are like a hug from God.

Kinda hard to talk to someone if you're not there.

Nothing like not doing something to not be very good at it.

My thoughts seem to have one-way encryption. No one else can understand them.

Have pun. It's a lot of fun.

Lag is gal backwards, and is a plot by females to take over the world.

Eat, drink, and be married, for tomorrow you die.

In an universal language, translation isn't needed.

Paranoia just means that you want to stay alive.

I would like the wisdom and maturity of old age, the spirit and energy of the young, and the ability to use it in between the two.

Nothing like paranoia to keep you awake.

Some lying is necessary in life. But rely on it and it'll be all you'll have.

Anyone who thinks quotes are worthless is a fool. But watch out for the quotes that aren't worth anything.

Some talk about how they are willing to die for others. It's much better to live for others.

True strength is in decency and kindness. Without them and honor, you are nothing.

Whenever something happens, you'll lose in some way.

Care about others if you really want to care about yourself.

Some people are always going to hate you, no matter who you are and what you do.

All of us are one-of-a-kinds. But some are more one-of-a-kind than the rest.

Music is a form of energy.

Never go for appearance. You'll lose every time.

There must be a God. His actions speak all the time.

Very few people care about others. But they do exist.

Fast movements may save your life, but a fast mouth will make those fast movements necessary.

If your mouth is working, your mind can't.

Always make a place better than how you found it. You might have to go back.

Wisdom is everywhere. You just have to find it.

To see what people are like, put a baby on the floor and watch who it goes to.

Humor is based on pain, it's said. So is society.

What's so great about being smart? It just gets you into trouble. You need wisdom.

Wisdom has to do with mental age, not physical.

People are never what we think them to be. You are never what you think you are.

Everything we do was made possible by someone else.

If people actually looked, they might find that things really exist.

You can never teach anything. You can only show and it's up to them to listen.

Expect the world to be full of idiots, but don't treat anyone you meet that way.

Without humor, life isn't worth living.

Nobody gets the credit they deserve.

If you don't care about someone's opinion, odds are that they don't care about yours either.

Always remember that what you do will change the lifes of those around you forever.

People are fascinating. Each one contains an universe.

Never complain about someone being better than you. They got that way because they tried.

Everyone complains about pride and acts like it's a terrible thing. But you'll never be worth anything without it. You just need to get the silent kind.

Always expect to be misunderstood. But don't make it worse.

The things in life that really count are those that we do for others.

The trouble with being around people is that you are always alone.

Real power never shows. It's always in the background.

Treat people like you want to be treated. Just remember when not to do so.

Unlike everything else, which goes for the weakest, humans almost always go for the strongest and best.

If you can't look from the other person's point-of-view, don't expect them to return the favor. In fact, don't expect it at all.

If someone is not willing to listen to others, don't listen to him.

Words are nice, but if action, and action that confirms those words, is not present, believe the opposite.

Everyone is biased. Pick quality, not quantity.

Never talk about yourself. Let someone else do it. The problem is how that person is going to find out what you are like.

These days, being honest makes you a bragger and a boaster (or so people seem to think).

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