1. Artemides: Got it from the same girls who gave me the nickname of Wise Man. They said I seemed so calm and peaceful.
  2. Bryden: A girl by the nick of Catwomann on Efnet #Mormon really liked the name and thought it fit me, so she gave it to me.
  3. Chuck Morris: [Based on Chuck Norris, below]
  4. Chuck Norris: Comes from the actor in the TV series _Texas Ranger_.
  5. Clark: Sat next to a guy with the last name of Clark in a computer class. For some reason, the teacher started calling me Clark as a nickname.
  6. Codi: Told a gal here at EAC that I speak Morris (Morse?) Code.
  7. Dinosaur Bones: I used to have bad back posture and my backbone would stick out, esp since my body is very flexible (am very double-jointed).
  8. Encyclopedia Brown: I reminded a lot of people of a character in a book series.
  9. Gremlin: The roommate of a friend of mine said that I reminded him of a gremlin.
  10. Hacker: One of my computer teachers at EAC gave me this one.
  11. Hammer: [Related to The Hammer]: Playing volleyball. Would hit the ball too hard and it would go in any old direction.
  12. Junior: The name of a brother of mine.
  13. Lee: A friend of mine (Bill Blair) at EAC gave this to me. Could come from my middle name, Legran.
  14. Legran: My middle name.
  15. Marris: A Mexican woman in Cane Beds, Arizona, called me this one.
  16. Maurice: My first name in French.
  17. MC Hammer: Practicing for my junior prom.
  18. MC Cox: The sysadmin at my college calls me this.
  19. MC Trouble: Bryan calls me this. It's based upon my Morris Virus nickname.
  20. Mo Money: John Boy calls me this.
  21. Monochrome Man: Same teacher who gave me the nicknames of Virus, Morris Virus, and Hacker gave me this one. It's based on me constantly using monochrome monitors all the time. (Don't anymore unless necessary.)
  22. Morr: Probably because it's a short form of my first name.
  23. Morreese: I get called this sometimes. Has to be based on my name.
  24. Morris the Cat: The famous cat who did cat food commericals.
  25. Morris the Moose: Comes from a character in a book.
  26. Morris Virus: [Related to Virus]: I'm considered to be a virus in human form.
  27. Mr. Morris: The owner of Ace Hardware in Kanab, Utah, called me this one.
  28. Norris: Name of a brother and of my father.
  29. Orem: A friend of mine (Vern Brown) at EAC decided to call me this one for no apparent reason.
  30. Rich Man: Another one at EAC. Pulled a lot of 20's out of my wallet, using the same ones over and over, to make it look like I had a whole lot of money.
  31. Scott: A guy on the Board of Directors for my college calls me this.
  32. Scruff: [Related to Scruffy]: A few guys in Orderville, Utah, decided to call me this.
  33. Scruffy: [Related to Scruff]: A few guys in Orderville, Utah, decided to call me this.
  34. Sherlock: Blondey on Undernet #Mormon said I reminded her of Sherlock Holmes.
  35. Sterling: Name of one of my brothers.
  36. The Hammer: [Related to Hammer]: Playing volleyball. Would hit the ball too hard and it would go in any old direction.
  37. Turkey Boy: John Boy calls me this.
  38. Virus: [Related to Morris Virus]: I'm considered to be a virus in human form.
  39. White Lightning: From a guy (Preston McDonald) in Kanab, Utah. I was a speedwalker and would also run to lunch at high speeds.
  40. Wise Man: A couple of gals here at EAC, Bubbles and Snow White, thought I was wise and like one of those wise men.

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