This is the homepage of the Bureau of Driveby Hugging (BDH). I, Morris Legran Cox, am the President of the BDH. Until recently, the BDH was highly classified. Parts of it still are. However, it was decided to disclose certain documents and details of the BDH. Also, it was decided that the existence of certain sister bureaus, such as the Bureau of Driveby Kissing (BDK) and the Bureau of Driveby Punning (BDP), would be revealed. It is rumored that other bureaus might exist, such as a Bureau of Driveby Teasing, but time will tell if they will be declassified, even partly.

Table of Contents

History of the BDH
List of Driveby Huggers
Email List
Bottom of page


BDH: Bureau of Driveby Hugging.
BDK: Bureau of Driveby Kissing.
BDP: Bureau of Driveby Punning.
DBH: Driveby Hugger or Driveby Hugging.
Dossier: A file of information on someone.
Driveby Hug: A quick or sudden hug.
Driveby Hugger: One who gives a driveby hug.

History of the BDH

The full history of the BDH is still somewhat classified. The concept of driveby hugging, though, was first discovered a few years ago, about 1994. The Bureau itself was started about a year ago, though few knew about it. So far, only the President of the BDH knows the full details. But it seems that he was talking to a friend known as Firehawk when three gals showed up and then left. Apparently, the proceedings brought to mind an image of a driveby shooting. Driveby hugging now existed. It would later be independently rediscovered by a Junior Cox. Eventually, it went on IRC, where a driveby hugging virus managed to infect some members of the #Mormon channel (and add the DBH {Driveby Hugging} gene to their DNA). Some were given DBH licenses, and the license numbers kept in a secret database. Meanwhile, off IRC, one certain girl came to the attention of the BDH President. She would eventually become known as Driveby, the greatest and most famous of all the Driveby Huggers (her dossier is available below). Her existence helped the Bureau come into being. Recently, the decision was made to go public and make licenses available in paper format and also to issue hug gun permits. Soon after, the BDK went public and then the BDP.

For the history of the Bureau of Driveby Kissing and of the Bureau of Driveby Punning, please just click on the links to their homepages.

List of Driveby Huggers

The list of Driveby Huggers is currently classified for now. However, dossiers of some of the members are available. In the future, the list might be declassified and made public. If so, a link to it will be provided here.


The dossier of the most famous DB Hugger of all time, Driveby, also known as Sara.


Mom, also known as Carolyn


Below are the current available files from the BDH:

 A pic of Lucy doing a DBH attack on Snoopy.

A hug coupon. Download and use often.
A date coupon, based on the hug coupon.
Electronic hug.
A scary recording of Elmira from Looney Tunes in action.
A sample of a Driveby Hugging License.


Browse the provided links for supplementary material. Please note that since these sites are not offically associated with the Bureau of Driveby Hugging, no assurance can be made as to their quality. However, we tried to provide links that will further your knowledge of the subject of hugging, and that you might find interesting. If you know of any interesting sites, please inform the Bureau and we will look into them.

alt.romance FAQ Kissing And Hugging
Sir Isle's Homepage
The Art of Hugging
The Cuddle Exchange
The Cuddly Collection of ASCII Art
The Hugging Site

Email List

Click to subscribe to DrivebyHugs
, the mailing list of the Bureau of Driveby Hugging.

Bureau of Driveby Kissing homepage
Bureau of Driveby Punning homepage
Homepage of the BDH President
View my Bravenet Guestbook Bravenet Guestbooks

Email the President of the BDH