This is the official homepage of the Bureau of Driveby Kissing (BDK). I, Morris Legran Cox, am the President of the BDK. Until recently, the BDK was highly classified. Parts of it still are. However, it was decided to disclose certain documents and details of the BDK when the BDH and DBP were partly disclassified.

Table of Contents

History of the BDK
List of Driveby Kissers
Motto of the DBKers
Bottom of page


  1. BDH: Bureau of Driveby Hugging.
  2. BDK: Bureau of Driveby Kissing.
  3. BDP: Bureau of Driveby Punning.
  4. DBK: Driveby Kisser or Driveby Kissing.
  5. Dossier: A file (or files) of information on someone.
  6. Driveby Kiss: A quick or sudden kiss.
  7. Driveby Kisser: One who gives a driveby kiss.

History of the BDK

The history of the BDK is based on the BDH. The concept of driveby kissing was thought up some time after driveby hugging was invented. The exact timing of the event is unknown (or perhaps still classified). The Bureau itself was started about a year ago, along with the BDH, though few knew about it. It too was mostly active on #Mormon on IRC, though the DBK virus for it wasn't as obvious. Secret license numbers were also given, and the numbers kept in a seperate database. The BDK went public almost as soon as the DBH, but before the BDP did. Recently, the decision was made to make licenses available in paper format and also to issue kiss gun permits.

For the history of the Bureau of Driveby Hugging and of the Bureau of Driveby Punning, please just click on the links to their homepages.

List of Driveby Kissers

The list of Driveby Kissers is currently classified for now. In the future, the list might be declassified and made public. If so, a link to it will be provided here.


None available right now.


This is the motto of the Driveby Kissers:

Running away won't save you!


Below are the current available files from the BDK:

 A pic of a DBK attack.
An audio recording of a driveby kissing
A sample of a Driveby Kissing License

Bureau of Driveby Hugging homepage
Bureau of Driveby Punning homepage
Homepage of the BDK President

Email the President of the BDK