Please Listen - It's about the lack of listening nowdays. It's also a plea for people to actually listen to me instead of being fooled by my apparent lack of age. I'm also somewhat taken for granted. And sometimes it seems like no one cares, no one is concerned about me. Not only that, but I feel trapped inside myself.
A Friend Indeed - Interesting enough, this poem started off as being about true friends. But at the tenth verse, it starts to imply God and Jesus Christ. It wasn't intentional, it just came out that way. The poem is also about me. I tend to walk up behind people and they don't realize that I'm there. It's unique because it's kinda two poems in one.
All Too Soon The Song Ends - I was dancing with my cousin Driveby and all of a sudden those words flashed across my mind and I said them to her. I went home and a few days later, the words for this poem started coming to me.
Outsider - I was at the Sweet Suite and the calendar fell off the wall. I picked it up and started looking for the push pin that was holding it up. Dana held out her hands for the calendar and told me not to worry about the push pin, that they would find it the next time they vacuumed or they stepped on it. I handed her the calendar and she smiled at me. I tried to smile back, but my face and lips wouldn't work properly, partly because I was dehydrated, as usual. I left and went to the Peach Pit, to get on Junior's computer in Steven's room. About 5 in the morning, I wrote this poem.
This Is Me - This is one of my darkest poems. The thing that triggered this poem was that a few female friends were going over to visit some girls at another place. I went along with them, even though Sandwich told me to let them go alone since it was a girl thing, because I was raised to be protective of females. What I call the bodyguard habit. Guess you could call it the Bodyguard Syndrome. Not only that, I knew someone once who was brutally attacked, raped, and murdered. I was walking behind them because I can keep better track of what's going on that way. The sound of quiet footsteps behind them made them feel nervous, so I was asked to walk beside them and one girl turned to me and said, "You're a friend, you know.". I replied back, "Sometimes I wonder.". That woke her up and she said, mostly to herself, something about her sometimes being mean. Then she apologized to me. That person is much more dearer to me than this poem implies. I owe her a great deal. As I recall, I wrote this poem that night.
Mom - This one is about a girl I call Mom. She was my Family Home Evening Mom, and the roommate of two cousins of mine over at the Sweet Suite. She was like a mom to me. I probably give her lots of practice. *chuckle* The poem is also about virtual moms in general.
Beauty - This poem is about my cousin Amey. She keeps insisting that she's ugly, etc., as if saying so would make it so. The poem is also about girls in general. The key is to improve your self-esteem and then other things start falling into place.
A Talent - This poem is about me writing poems. I always thought I couldn't write any poems, since writing is very difficult for me. Guess I got proved wrong. I was talking to someone about my poems and he wondered where I got my ideas, what inspired me, and so on. Where I thought my talent came from. I told him that I didn't know and he pointed up and said that was where my talent came from. I think he has a point. Hi there, Dr. Lunt!
My Date - This poem is about a date I went on on the same day that I wrote the poem. Nerac had asked me on date a couple of years ago. I decided to ask her out on one. I had originally planned to double date with Steven, but ended up double dating with Peter and Miken. (For the record, I planned this before I found out about Junior asking Melissa out on a date.) My sense of humor got the best of me and I asked "Dad" to be at the Sweet Suite at the time we were to go on the date but didn't tell him why. I told "Mom" that "Dad" would be coming and at what time, but not why. Then I told Nerac to meet me at the Institute and told Peter to bring Miken to the Institute. Had a scare when I checked in at the Sweet Suite near the appointed time and Mom wasn't there. She had gone to the library. I hurry over there and after accidently knocking off part of the door frame of the Media Center, see Nerac there too. I get nervous about the thought of Mom seeing Nerac and having the whole scheme go up in smoke. I talk to Mom and convince her to go back to the Sweet Suite. Then I go over and talk to Nerac. Read the poem and the first entry of my journal for the rest. I should point out that the parents mentioned in the poem are not my real parents but virtual ones, my Family Home Evening parents. The greens mentioned is some leafy green stuff that comes with your food, as decoration. Jerry's is a local restaurant. This poem is the first one that's totally about an actual event.
Observations - I wrote this poem because I noticed how people undervalued me and didn't really paid attention to me or my feelings. It was almost as if I was invisible.
A Friend - This one is dedicated to Driveby. She's the basis for this poem, though she doesn't know that. But she's not the only one this poem applies to. My favorite line is "A friend is a hug from God".
I'll Miss You - I got to thinking about most of my friends being gone for the summer and how I won't see some of them for quite some time. And some I may never see again. So I wrote this poem to reflect my thoughts and feelings.
A Master's Touch - I was at Cluff Ponds with Driveby, Mom, and Robert. We were watching the sun set and I thought about the story of _The Touch of the Master's Hand_. This poem is the first one that's not from a first person perspective.
A Hug A Day Won't Keep Me Away - This one is based off the saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". It's already gotten me a hug so far.
A private poem for Dana's birthday. There were only two copies, the original and the one I put on Garfield stationery to give to her. Can't find the original anymore, so Dana has the only copy, if she still has it.
Girls - Each verse, all 16 of them, is about a different girl. Interesting enough, quite a few people thought the poem was about just one girl. The verses are about: Driveby/Sparky, Driveby, Carrie, Melanie, Carolyn, Norrene, Amy/Marissa, Baloo, Marsha, Nerac, Amey, Sassy, Sweetie, Keira, Brookie, and Dana.
I Had A Poem - I had a cool poem in my mind that I was planning to write down and I didn't get around to doing so and it disappeared on me. Thinking about it is how I ended up with this poem.
Life Is A Dream - Talks about why life is a dream.
Christmas Day - It's about Christ. I was writing it during Sacrament and the speaker mentions a line in this poem that I had already written! How did he know? I was the only one who knew about the poem. Excellent work, Josh. He was my hometeaching companion.
I Believe In God - Talks about why I believe in God.
Driveby - This one is about my favorite cousin. It was for her birthday.
May I, Can I? - About expressing affection. A friend told me that he really liked it because it could mean so many different things depending on what tone of voice you used. He demonstrated and he was right.
Travels - You can think of it as being about growing up and becoming wiser. Every other line rhymes in the odd numbered verses while the even numbered verses are couplets.
Smile For Me - Has no real relation to anything going on in my life, it just showed up one Sunday morning.
Scared to Ask - This is when I was trying to get up the courage to ask Dana to the Fall Formal.
A Travel in Myself - I was at work and get the idea for the first two verses. I had written the first few verses a few days ago, but lost the paper. I ended up rewriting the poem from scratch.
A Smile Away - I was at work and this scene flashed into my mind, of me hiking through the woods on a hill with a girl that was like a soul twin. We was holding hands and she turns to me and smiles. It took me a couple months to get around to writing it.
Could Be Next To You - This one also arrived suddenly. It's actually a bit different then the one I had in my mind. It changed as it was being typed in. It refers both to me and the Saviour, just like my A Friend Indeed poem.