My poetry page

Yep, actual poetry. And no, it's not something I do often. I started on February 19, 1998. Hope you like them. Please tell me what you think of them.
poemsdesc.html - Descriptions of my poems.

My poems

  1. lovepoem.txt - I Feel This Way (Feb 19, 1998)
  2. listen.txt - Please Listen (Feb 20, 1998)
  3. friend.txt - A Friend Indeed (Mar 18, 1998)
  4. songends.txt - All Too Soon The Song Ends (Mar 29, 1998)
  5. outsider.txt - Outsider (Apr 21, 1998)
  6. thisisme.txt - This Is Me (Apr 25, 1998)
  7. mom.txt - Mom (Apr 25, 1998)
  8. beauty.txt - Beauty (Apr 27, 1998)
  9. atalent.txt - A Talent (Apr 27, 1998)
  10. mydate.txt - My Date (Apr 30, 1998)
  11. observer.txt - Observations (May 3, 1998)
  12. afriend.txt - A Friend (May 11, 1998)
  13. missyou.txt - I'll Miss You (May 15, 1998)
  14. touch.txt - A Master's Touch (May 18, 1998)
  15. hugaway.txt - A Hug A Day Won't Keep Me Away (June 24, 1998)
  16. Private poem for Dana's birthday (July 7, 1998)
  17. girls.txt - Girls (August 14-15, 1998)
  18. hadapoem.txt - I Had A Poem (October 16, 1998)
  19. lifedream.txt - Life Is A Dream (October 16-17, 1998)
  20. christmas.txt - Christmas Day (December 25, 1998)
  21. ibelieve.txt - I Believe In God (March 1, 1999)
  22. Driveby (March 6, 1999)
  23. mayicani.txt - May I, Can I? (March 27, 1999)
  24. travels.txt - Travels (May 18, 1999)
  25. smileforme.txt - Smile For Me (May 23, 1999)
  26. scaredtoask.txt - Scared to Ask (October 11, 1999)
  27. myself.txt - A Travel in Myself (October 11, 1999)
  28. asmileaway.txt - A Smile Away (January 15, 2000)
  29. nexttoyou.txt - Could Be Next To You (January 28, 2000)
  30. thisislife.txt - This Is Life (May 2, 2000)
  31. outthere.txt - Anyone Out There? (June 6, 2000)


Here's a link to the poem page of a friend of mine.
Poetry in Motion
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Morris Cox/