INTP - Intraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving

Extra stuff

The below is taken from the INTP mailing list, which currently has about 170 members, most of whom post. For a bunch of introverts, we sure talk a lot. :)
No time sense and often oblivious to what is around them. The INTP trademark is a 'stone' face. Absent-minded, extremely objective, non-prejudging, rational, and impartial. Persistent. Close to the accepted view of "masculine" behaviour. Loathe expending energy on petty and useless interactions. Tend away from reactionary and emotionally messy arguements and conflicts. A little unfeeling. INTPs like best, even insist on, extensive evaluation of, and discussion of, the possible ramifications of every single one of their words, and cleverness. An INTP view of reality taken from the book _Please Understand Me_ is: 'Reality is trivial, a mere proving ground for ideas.'. Get bored with repetition and all things which don't greatly challenge their intellect. Highly motivated. Official emoticons are: :) (eyes and smile) and ) (disembodied smile). Suffer from 'social' exhaustion. Quiet, gentle manner. Rarest personality type.

Make good listeners. Archetypical magician/alchemist. Natural tendency to be tolerant. Not understood/appreciated by the world in general. Tendency to have certain limits outside which extremely intolerant. Find it difficult to critize others. Achieve a lot in a short period of time. Notorious for subtle humor and refinement of wit. Over-analyze. Have non-organizing thought patterns. Hates to look like a fool. Tend to put people on the spot. Are considered to ask too many irrelevant questions. (Mostly due to others not being able to follow the train of thought of an INTP.)

INTPs have a little bit of everything in them. Mascot of the INTP mailing list: Cheshire cat, the one in _Alice in Wonderland_. INTPs have some of the best smiles. *grin*

Likely jobs

Jobs good for INTPs are: Social scientist, computer programmer, artist, writer, entertainer, and lawyer.


INTrePid is a WWW newsletter for INTP mailing list members only.

Movies INTPs like

Movies: Terminator and Predator I.
Sci-fi: Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Alien and Aliens, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and the Star Trek movies except for part V.
Dramas: Piano, Forrest Gump, Schindlers List, Dances with Wolves, True Romance, Scent of a Woman, Pump up the Volume, Fisher King, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket.
Thrillers: The Fugitive, True Lies, Witness and Patriot Games.
Comedies: Any Steve Martin, almost any Jim Carrey.
Oldies: Witness for the Prosecution, Now Voyager, and most 1930s movies.
T.V.: Kung Fu

More info: PUM - Type Talk - Personal comments - - - INTP FAQ - Back to personality type index.
Morris Cox/