Note that some of the filenames have abbreviations in them instead of
using the person's full name. This, of course, is because otherwise the
filenames would get really long. That's why I've provided a short guide
so that you can see who else is in a picture with someone.
alys - Alyson
bryn - Brynne
chr - Christine
dav - Dave
drv - Driveby
jam - James
jor - Joruus
mor - Morris
ner - Nerac
rach - Rachel
shau - Shauna
wes - Wesley
sass.jpg - Sass, aka Sassy, striking a pose. I had caught
her off-guard and she told me that if I wanted to take a picture, she would give me
a picture (meaning that she would allow me to take the one listed here), and she
struck this pose when I took it.
boydngirls.jpg - Boyd at Mary's birthday party,
surrounded by George Amanda, Christine,
Shauna, Amey, and
Driveby. In the background off to the left is some guy,
then Mary and Janine. The party was at Katie's and Brooke's place, and we went
there after Amey's birthday party. Amey and Driveby don't look too good in this
picture. Their expressions are off. Driveby looks kinda bored, and I'm not sure
about Amey. I like how Shauna is brushing back her hair, but only Christine looks
like she's happy to be there. Besides Boyd, that is.
zilchmorrcoco.jpg - zilch,
Morris, and Coco at zilch and Coco's place at Dixie. Turns
out that they had met my sister Norrene after she had been at Dixie a while but that
she didn't know that they knew me. :) Woo hoo, did she lecture them. *chuckle*
drvmordanamomdav.jpg - A picture in front of
the chapel just before Institute graduation. Not sure who is on the far left, but
Driveby is the girl on the left with Dana
in the middle, then Mom, than Dave on the end.
I'm the one in the back. Lorna took the picture. Dana thinks
she looks fat in the picture, but I disagree.
jerrys.jpg - Robert,
Mom, Dana,
Shauna, me, and
Dave. Driveby is to the far left, but you can only see
part of her menu. It's Saturday night and Spring Sing is over. Dana's
expression didn't come out very well. You can't really see me. You can
tell we're college students. We all have cups of water in front of us.
drlunt.jpg - Dr. Lunt with his wife. Junior took the
picture at this year's Spring Sing. Dr. Lunt is a totally amazing, one of a kind
guy. The college is lucky to have him. I'm honored to have known him.
jorjamie.jpg - Joruus
and his fiancee Jamie at Mom's birthday party. You can see Amey's head off to the left, and Wesley's back is on the right.
I had pretended to take a picture of Joruus and Jamie and they said I could, so...
I took this one. They look quite nice.
zilchmorrcoco.jpg - zilch,
Morris, and Coco at zilch and Coco's
place at Dixie. Turns out that they had met my sister Norrene after she had been at
Dixie a while but that she didn't know that they knew me. :) Woo hoo, did she lecture
them. *chuckle*
koricake.jpg - Kori
with the birthday cake Junior (on the right) made for her.
scoobysnax.jpg - Lynette's brother,
Lynette, Michelle, and Matt,
dressed up as the Scooby Doo gang for Halloween. Lynette is just perfect.
And the box of Scooby Snacks adds a nice touch.
sweetsuite.jpg - Will,
Driveby, Amey (a roommate of Driveby,
Dana, and Mom),
Christina, Matt (brother of Heidi), Heidi (used to live in the Sweet Suite; Dana took her place when Heidi went on mission), and
Robby. They're going to the Winter Formal. I took this picture.
groovbydrvby.jpg - Driveby
and Nettie in the kitchen at Nettie's place. Driveby's modeling her Halloween costume,
a 70's girl. My costume was The Absent-Minded Professor one night (wore a tie over my regular clothes) and a secret agent in plainsclothes the next night (no extra equipment needed). :>
robby.jpg - Robby on a couch at the Institute. Shy fella,
he is, but a cool dude. I saw the candy dispensers on the left and suddenly realized
I had seven dollars in quarters.
sweetsuite.jpg - Will,
Driveby, Amey (a roommate of Driveby,
Dana, and Mom),
Christina, Matt (brother of Heidi),
Heidi (used to live in the Sweet Suite; Dana took her place
when Heidi went on mission), and Robby. They're going to the Winter Formal. I took
this picture.
scott.jpg - Scott, caught off-guard on the sidewalk
between North and South Campus. I was telling him how I sneaked a picture of
someone and snapped his picture.
ameyjames.jpg - Amey and
James at the Sweet Suite. They were making a gingerbread
house. James is being silly, as usual. Sigh, the fish, is hiding.
ameysighjames.jpg - Amey,
Sigh, and James at the Sweet Suite, working on a gingerbread
house. The picture was taken before the ameyjames.jpg one.
James is still being goofy.
huddle.jpg - Me (on the
left) and Steven (on the right) leaning our heads on Driveby's shoulders. Junior also took this one.
steven.jpg - Steven in his room at the Peach Pit. He
wanted a picture so that he could submit it with his mission request papers.
Tara danatara.jpg - Tara, holding her hug gun permit, laying on
Dana's lap.
tom.jpg - Tom in his shop, the Cycle Path. I walked in and
he asked me what was going on. I took the picture and replied, "This." He's a totally awesome guy. And he thinks he broke the camera. Uh-huh.
dadwesameydrv.jpg - Dad, Wesley, Amey, and Driveby. You can see
part of Dana, Shauna, and
Robert. Amey has a cute expression on her face and Driveby
isn't doing too bad herself. I like how the colors in her shirt came out in the picture.
You can tell she's left-handed. You can see Mom's cake and the candles on it that I
brought. I should have raised the camera higher so that you can see all of Dana, Shauna,
and Robert.
sweetsuite.jpg - Will, Driveby,
Amey (a roommate of Driveby, Dana, and
Mom), Christina,
Matt (brother of Heidi), Heidi (used to live in the Sweet Suite; Dana took her place when Heidi went on mission), and
Robby. They're going to the Winter Formal. I took this picture.
chicks2.jpg - Pepper
and Keira again with the chicks in front of them.
Zoner (Aaron) is in the upper left. You can just barely see Zoey's shadow off
to the left.