Yep. A webpage about hackers. No, not that kind of hacker. The real kind. What the general public think a hacker is is quite inaccurate. Not really a surprise. The general public tend to be wrong on a lot of things. What is commonly thought of as a hacker is more accurately a
system cracker. Of course, you don't hear that on TV. They're too busy slandering hackers. They fail to mention that for every "hacker" caught, a lot of other hackers helped catch that one. This webpage is an attempt to better educate people about real hackers. What you learn may surprise you. You could be a hacker and not know it.
The definition of a hacker: hacker.txt
From the Jargon Dictionary
Hacker ethics: hackerethics.txt
The Hacker Manifesto (explains the feelings of a lot of hackers): hackermanifesto.txt
A basic list of the different types of hackers (you might be surprised): hackertypes.html
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Morris Cox/