S - Sensation

75% of population. Like tradition, reality, facts and are practical. Past and present oriented. Dislike new problems unless there are standard ways to solve them. Like an established way of doing things. Enjoy using skills already learned more than learning new ones. Work more steadily, with a realistic idea of how long it will take. Usually reach a conclusion step by step. Are patient with routine details. Are impatient when the details get complicated. Are not often inspired, and rarely trust the inspiration when they are. Seldom make errors of fact. Tend to be good at precise work.
Need iNtuitive types to: bring up new possibilities, supply ingenuity on problems, read the signs of coming change, see how to prepare for the future, have enthusiasm, watch for new essentials, tackle difficulties with zest, show that the joys of the future are worth looking for.
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Morris Cox/morriscat@yahoo.com