ISTP - Intraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving

"Ready To Try Anything Once"

Actor(ess)/Artisan/Informative Expeditor/Instrumentor/Operator (most skillful with tools)

5% of the total population. One of the Artisans (SP). Cool onlookers- quiet, reserved, observing and analyzing life with detached curiousity and unexpected flashes of original humor. Usually interested in cause and effect, how and why mechanical things work, and in organizing facts using logical principles.

Live their outer life more with sensing, inner one more with thinking.

See the realitites. Great capacity for facts and details. Good at applied science and at mechanics and the properties of materials and things. With nontechnical interests, can use general principles to bring order out of masses of confused data and meaning out of unorganized facts. May be analysts of markets, sales, securities or statistics of any kind.

Likely to be patient, accurate, good with their hands, fond of sports and outdoors, and have a gift of fun. Impulsive action. Life should be of impulse rather than of purpose. Action is an end to itself. Fearless, craves excitement, master of tools.

Great believers in economy of effort, which is an asset if they judge accurately how much effort is needed, and do efficiently what the situation demands. If not, economy of effort can become mere laziness and little will get done.

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Morris Cox/