Girls tend to be attracted to abusive men since they desire/crave excitement, which abusive men provide more than Nice Guys. The Nice Guys need to learn to be more assertive without becoming aggresive. (Identity_X, Gina)

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... they also like to have fun and feel excited. (Identity_X)

...adding a little more assertiveness and you might see a big difference in the way women react. (Gina)

People tend to walk over and mistreat and take advantage of Nice Guys because they think the Nice Guy will put up with it. They also tend to ignore what he says and how he feels about things and will disregard his feelings. Doormat Syndrome. (Eddie, Raffaele, schlock)

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I've always tried to be a "Nice guy" and have been consequently taken advantage of by all walks of life all my life. (Eddie)

... the nice guy may be labeled as one who is easily taken advantage of. (Raffaele)

... provided they don't fall victim to Doormat Syndrome, of course. (schlock)

People change when they fall in love and also when they get married. They also tend to change when they experience the opposite of the above. (Morris)
Some girls use the term "nice" for a guy when they can't think of anything else to call him. (Stephen Botha, Henry B. Messenger, Susan 9999)

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... someone is described as 'nice' when they have few other redeeming features. (Stephen Botha)

... that when some women say "you're a nice guy" they mean "you're ONLY a nice guy." (Henry B. Messenger)

When my friends and I describe a guy as being a "nice guy", it usually means that it is his predominant trait, by far. And because he is so nice, an obligation to describe him in complimentary terms is felt. (Susan 9999)

True love doesn't ignore faults. It acknowledges that they exist. (Morris)
When a conversation is going on, the Nice Guy will probably not be included. (Eddie, Morris)

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Often, and I mean "Often" times a nice guy is forgotten by many, especially when there is heated debate going on ... (Eddie)

Nice Guys are the best listeners. (Morris)
People tend to think that Nice Guys are weak. (Raffaele)

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Though niceness is seemeingly so good, ... it may give a (right or wrong) idea of weakeness.

Most people are kind of shallow. (Morris)
One of the rarest things nowdays is someone who understands thoughts and emotions and is still objective. (Morris)
One of the problems with being introverted and reserved is that people might think that you are boring. (Mike J)

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However, because I am reserved and introspective, ..., I may be considered by many to be boring.

Women tend to prefer men with a lot of faults so that they can justify what they're doing. And vice versa. (mpoconnor7, Nicholas Temple)

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The truth is that women prefer men with numerous faults that they can exploit:it justifies a woman sleeping around if her SO is doing it too. (mpoconnor7)

It's been my experience that both men and women exploit a real or perceived "unfaithfulness" on the part of their partners to reationalize and justify their own behaviors. (Nicholas Temple)

... we use the actual or perceived behaviors of others to justify doing wha we want to do. (Nicholas Temple)

There seems to be a difference in what a woman says she wants in a guy and what she actually gets involved with. (Nick Fraser)

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... there seems to be an amazing disconnect in the modern American woman's mind between what she says she wants and what she actually gets involved with.

Women want a man who makes them feel glamorous. (Jim)

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My observation is that many women want a man who makes them feel that they are having an adventure, or a movie romance.

Nice Guys can still argue. (Jon, Jan)

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Being nice also doesn't mean that you can't be confrontational. (Jon)

... there is nothing that says he cant raise his voice.... (Jan) does not mean a man is not a nice guy because he has an argument with me... (Jan)

One can control their emotions without suppressing them. (Morris)
Most people are scared of knowing themselves better. (Morris)
A lot of gals are naive enough to believe that they can reform NotNice Guys or that no one really understands the NotNice Guys. And that NotNice Guys are simply misunderstood. People don't change that easily. (Robin, Lone Wolf, Morris)

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They *do* seem to like a challenge, particularly the concept of making the bad guy into a nice guy.... (Robin)

The women seem to want to find a nice guy, but are more attracted to the Not so Nice guys and then feel that they can change them. (Lone Wolf)

Some people get married so that they can make their spouses just like them. (Morris, based on what Brad posted)

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And I have heard that those who like to rush into marrying often do so in order to lose their identity and adopt that of their spouse's. (Brad)

A lot of people get involved in relationships just to compensate for defects in themselves. (Brad)

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People often get involved in relationships simply to compensate for a deficiency in themselves.

Some guys are nice because they can't survive any other way. (Mike J, Henry B. Messenger)

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... I've adapted to the social environment by being nice. (Mike J)

The a.a Standard Model of Human Interaction asserts that it's a social dominance thing, that guys who are "nice" are that way because they're basically losers and rejects (e.g. gamma males), and that's how they get by without getting the *%!@ beat out of them on a daily basis. (Henry B. Messenger)

How you disagree with someone says a lot about you. (Morris)
You can learn a lot about someone by who they choose to sit by. (Morris)
Sudden changes in behaviour should be taken as a hint. (Morris)
NotNice Guys are vulgar. (Denise)

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... not-nice guys ARE vulgar.

Nice Guys worry about how they affect others, and how others feel. (Denise)

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Nice guys worry about their language, about their manners, about offending a woman, about how other people feel.

Love tends to make one blind. (schlock)

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I think it's more the romantic ideal of the one true love that makes people see things that aren't there, and rush into marriage with the blind enthusiasm that love now is love always.