NetHelp Homepage

Welcome to the NetHelp homepage. Its purpose is to help *you* with Internet and its various parts.
These are the members of the NetHelp group so far:

The resident virus, Morris Cox.
One of our computer teachers, Mr. Moore.
The other computer teacher, Mr. Hunter.


Anarchy is the view that the best government is no goverment.

Anarchy for Anyone


You should know what animals are.

Animal Information Database
FAQ: Animal Resources
FAQ: Dogs
Pet-Keeping Dos and Don'ts
Plants Harmful to Animals


FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. It is a text document that includes questions that is often asked. Answers are given for the questions so that 'newbies' (anyone who is new to the Internet) and others won't waste bandwidth asking questions that have already been answered, often many times.

Directory of FAQs


Finger allows you to get information on an account. It is also a way to receive information, like if a certain candy machine is full or empty.

FAQ: Finger


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a way to copy files from one site to another site on the Internet. You can also rename and delete files. Anonymous FTP allows you to 'anonymously' get files from a site that allows it.

FAQ: Anonymous FTP


IRC (Internet Relay Chat) enables you to communicate with others on the Internet in real time using 'channels', where you can connect to a channel and talk to the people on that channel. There are thousands of channels on IRC on just about anything you can imagine, and more. You may also get files off IRC by using DCC (Direct Console Connection).

FAQ2: Undernet IRC
FAQ3: IRC docs

Mailing lists/Listservs

Mailing lists (or listservs) are where everyone on the list sends email to a central location which sends the email to everyone on the list.


Search Engines

Search engines allow you to search the Internet for items of your choosing.

Here are the search engines on the Internet listed so far: (that I have managed to type in)

  1. Aliweb (Archie-like search at Munich University of Technology)
  2. All-in-One Search Page Metasearch Engine
  3. Alta Vista (Web search engine)
  4. Archie
  5. Archieplex (Archie search Swiss server at SWITCH)
  6. Clearinghouse for Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides Web Directory
  7. CUSI Metasearch Engine
  8. DejaNews Reseach News (Usenet)
  9. EINet Galaxy (Web search)
  10. Excite Search Engine
  11. Free Compilers List (List of free compilers and interpreters)
  12. Free Database List (List of free databases)
  13. Fun City Web Search Metasearch Engine
  14. Galaxy Web Directory
  15. Gopher (veronica)
  16. Hoover's (Finance)
  17. HyperNews Metasearch Engine
  18. Iconix WWW PowerPage (Info on latest developments in software engineering)
  19. Infomarket by IBM Metasearch Engine
  20. InfoSeek (Web search) (Charges money with free samples)
  21. Inktomi Research Prototype
  22. Internet Directory of Published Writers
  23. The Internet Sleuth Metasearch Engine
  24. Jughead (Gopher directory search)
  25. Jumbo Software
  26. The Language List (List of programming languages)
  27. LinkSearch Metasearch Engine
  28. Lycos (Web search)
  29. Magellan
  30. Math Search
  31. Morningstar (Funds)
  32. NetCenter Web Directory
  33. New Riders' Offical WWW Yellow Pages Search Engine
  34. NIKOS (Web search)
  35. Open Text Index Search Engine
  36. Pathfinder (Fortune 500)
  37. Point Communications Web Directory
  38. RBSE's URL database (Web search)
  39. SavvySearch Metasearch Engine (Forms in diff languages)
  40. Searchers Metasearch Engine
  41. Software
  42. SoftSearch (Software)
  43. Starting Point Web Directory
  44. Thesaurus (Thesaurus search)
  45. VSL Master Site
  46. WAIS Search
  47. W3 Catalog (Web search) More (List of mirrors)
  48. W3 Search Engines
  49. WebCrawler (Web search)
  50. Web-Search Metasearch Engine
  51. Web Voyager Web Directory
  52. WWWW - World Wide Web Worm (Web search)
  53. Yahoo (Web search)
  54. Yellow Web Directory


A signature or 'sig'' is the lines at the bottom of a e-mail message where your name and email address, plus any additional information, are shown. Signatures over five lines are considered bad manners.

FAQ: Signature


Telnet allows you to connect to a remote computer as though you were sitting in front of its keyboard.

World Wide Web

The Web allows you to access documents that have been linked across the Internet with html (HyperText Markup Language).

FAQ: World Wide Web
Guide: A useful guide to WWW


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