I notice that people tend to pay much more attention to what's being said if someone other than me says it. I say it, and it gets shot down. Someone else says the exact same thing, and they get complimented. Must be something about me. I tend to live in my own world. I laugh, smile, cry, frown, and jump for joy all inside my mind. You can see a blank face on the outside and inside can be all these emotions and feelings. I also just don't broadcast much body language. The Thanksgiving holiday is supposed to be about giving thanks. But most people, especially retailers, skip right over it and go to Christmas. Makes you wonder where their priorities are. And Christmas seems mostly about giving things, like presents, rather than giving thanks or of oneself. Both holidays should be about giving thanks. One of the purposes of dancing is to teach one cooperation, especially with others of the opposite gender. You learn to adapt to the dancing style of your partner. It's mostly true that you're only as good as your partner. But if you're better skilled than your partner, then you can increase their level of skill. Not enough people hug. They feel too shy, too nervous, uncertain, too introverted, feel they don't know the other person well enough, feel that it might be taken the wrong way, or any number of reasons. Guys, especially, feel nervous about hugging other guys. Hugs are very important. They're good for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Socially in that it tends to boost your self-esteem, which is quite a help in social situations. Everyone should hug at least once a day. At the very least. There's a difference between being able to do something and actually doing it. Too many people think that if someone can do something, he WILL do it. Like if a guy can break into a computer, he will. That's like saying that if someone has a gun, he'll kill people. Logic is a skill that is not practiced enough. Most people don't really listen. Instead, they substitute hearing for listening. The words come in, but they don't go through processing. One way to detect this is to see if the answers match what's being said. People tend to mistake lust for love. They think that they are really in love and that other people don't know what they're talking about, that they just don't understand. And people may be hesitant to tell the person that he/she are not really in love, especially since they feel (and are almost always correct) that the person won't listen to them.