There isn't really any such thing as so-called double-jointness. It's called contortion. It also doesn't mean that I have extra joints. It's just that they are a lot more flexible than ordinary. And yes, just about anyone could do it if they wanted to. So if you can't do it, it's your own fault. :)


Yes, I am double-jointed. Actually, being double-jointed doesn't mean that I have extra joints. It's just that they are a lot more flexible than ordinary. I'm mostly double-jointed in my fingers. Below is a list of some of the things I can do:

  1. Bend my fingers 90 degrees back. Pic of me doing it.
  2. Bend my left thumb so that it is parallel with itself. Pic of me doing it.
  3. Bend my left thumb so that it lies flat on the top of my arm. Pic of me doing it.
  4. Put my palms together and make 2 sides of a 90 degree triangle with my fingers. Pic of me doing it.
  5. Twist my hand 540 degrees. 360 degrees without help.
  6. Wrap my right arm around the back of my head and touch my right ear. Pic of me doing it.
  7. Put both arms behind my head, making three sides of a rectangle. Kinda. Pic of me doing it. Somewhat.
  8. Reach any part of my back. I can scratch any itch. :) Pic of me doing it.
  9. Lock the last three fingers on my left hand and the last four fingers on my right hand. I can then move them without bending them.
  10. Move the fingers on my right hand and have the one by the pinky lock up by itself.
  11. Snap my fingers by moving a finger real quickly over my bent thumb.
  12. Pop my thumbs by moving them back and forth (180 degrees at the joint).
  13. Place my palm flat on a surface and still tap my fingers.
  14. Pull my fingers and thumb back so that the ligaments on the back of my hand stand out.
  15. Bend my toes so that they look like ___/--- (fingers too)
  16. Bend the tips of my fingers without moving the rest.
  17. Make my head vibrate. (I know, I know, it's not double-jointed)
More to come.
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