The side effects of excessive computer usage

There are a number of problems associated with excessive computer usage. Here are some of them:
Computer Vision Syndrome - Basically a double wammy, a bit of a triple wammy. The flicker of the monitor (due to the refresh rate) tricks the eyes into reducing the frequency of blinking. This leads to the eyes drying out and turning red. Due to the fact that the edges of pixels are indistinct and fuzzy, the eyes constantly refocus, causing lots of stress for them. You're also looking at one object for long periods of time. Stress is also caused by the eyes being open for longer periods of time than normal. The combination tires the eyes out, making them ache, sometimes they'll water on their own, make you look bleary-eyed, cause them to go out of focus every now and then, and after a while of trying to stay open, they'll try to stay closed all the time.
Expressive movement - You tend to not move your limbs very often while using a computer. Your body gets used to that after a while and so when you try to go dance, you're in for a surprise. It's more noticeable in fast dances than slow dances.
Free running - Also free-running. Your body runs on cycles. You tend to feel more alert at different times of the day (morning birds and night owls, for example), feel pain more intensely (like about 3 AM), and so on. Your body has a clock of its own. You tend to run on a 24 hour cycle. That is, when you combine your awake periods with your asleep periods, you get 24 hours. When you're free running, you may stay up 30 hours and sleep 10 hours. Basically, your body clock has slipped a gear or two. One of the side effects is personality changes. A friend of mine calls it worse than being drunk. And he's done both. It probably wrecks havoc with the immune system too.
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